OpenVMS и Deathrow Cluster
"The Deathrow Cluster" is a couple of computers acting as one large computer. The cluster currently consists of DEC Alphas (64 bit), and VAXen (32 bit - Some uVAX hardware, some emulated) running the OpenVMS operating system. The idea of the cluster is to promote the OpenVMS operating system and give people a chance to play with it. People are welcome to test the security features of the cluster, port non-commerical code and learn the basic in-and-outs of the OpenVMS operating system. The cluster supports many programming languages, including: BASIC, C/C++, Fortran, Cobol, ADA, Bliss, Macro32/64, DCL scripting, PL/I, Java, and Pascal.
Наиболее интересной стороной ресурса является система BBS-конференций, в которых участвуют профессионалы высокого класса. Среди наиболее интересных тем (несмотря на OpenVMS-ориентацию ресурса) - их мнения и воспоминания о Amiga, Apollo, Aegis, Domain/OS, SunOS и многом другом. Одна из характерных цитат:
Early 68000 workstations, Sun, Apollo, NeXT etc. had a *very* hackish setup with two CPUs; the other would handle the virtual memory issues when the other was trapped by a page fault. Some scheme, that; VM handling based on crashing the CPU. Hell, i'd love to have one of those! I think there was even a Tandy, with a Z-80 doing the VM.
Словом, такое сообщество серъезно отличается от всего, с чем приходилось сталкиваться до сих пор, и сулит множество интересных открытий.